
Esoteric Islam: A Hermetic Perspective on Islamic Traditions

There are always two ways of understanding religions whose origins stem from hermetic traditions of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Babylon; namely Exoteric and Esoteric, whether they be Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. In the book Esoteric Islam, I describe Islam to be one of the reflections of hermetic philosophy, and representative of the ideals of great ancient teachings of Astrology and Alchemy. The book Esoteric Islam includes the interpretation of Islamic traditions by use of the hermetic arts of Astrology and Alchemy. It discusses the mystical teachings of Quran from the standpoint of ancient mysteries and modern metaphysics. It attempts to understand the message of Quran in its structural designs alongside the principle tenets so as to unravel the mystique of this very impressive literature. ESOTERIC ISLAM Table of Contents Preface The Mystery Letters of Quran (Huroof-al-Muqattaat) The Mystery of ALIF LAM MIM in Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) The Hermetic Wisdom of Quran —  I


The history of man bears witness to his great struggle for discovering the right formula to conduct affairs in various aspects of his life. Time and again, men devised ideas of religious, political, or cultural nature that have continually brought solace from the ignominy of senseless conflicts that afflicted their mode of existence, and thereby they grew spiritually through those experiences and trials. The wisdom of the ancients is not actually based on absolute principles, rather on the relative conditions proportional to the problems at hand. The nature of wisdom has never been to bind humans to a fixed legal structure by restricting their movements at every level of growth, but to enshrine them about the common connections between different parts of the existing whole. Therefore, the laws serve best when they carry the wisdom of preventing the disasters than dealing with them afterwards, and the wisdom serves best when it abides by the principles of redemption and growth. True wis

The Mystery Letters of Quran (Huroof-al-Muqattaat)

Introduction This thesis attempts to investigate the mystery letters of Quran called the “Huroof-al-Muqattaat”. Here, the hermetic arts of astrology, alchemy, and symbolism are employed to decipher their meanings, and potential significance for the human spiritual growth. The extraordinary perfection in the design of universe has flabbergasted human intelligence since time immemorial. Notwithstanding the immense complexity of living organisms in nature, the indefatigable human spirit of enquiry led to the comprehension of definite principles for satiating the need for clarity in their affairs; because out of all creatures, humans have always wanted to be the smartest by grasping the knowledge of everything, and thereby controlling the very gist of existence. But not everyone in the family of human race were either talented or heroic enough to be raised at the level of consciousness that those creative agencies of cosmos acted with, and hence their languages got divided into ‘exoteric’

The Mystery of ALIF LAM MIM in Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

Introduction This article specifically deals with the function of the mystery letters ‘Alif-Lam-Mim’ in connection to the Surah Al-Baqarah of the Quran. It attempts to further the concepts mentioned in my previous article “The Mystery Letters of Quran (Huroof-al-Muqattaat)” by elucidating them in detail with respect to the textual contents of the Surah. The initial synopsis for deciphering the mystery abbreviated letters is presented in my article “The Mystery Letters of Quran (Huroof-al-Muqattaat)”, which I would strongly recommend the readers to first go through in order to have the background understanding of the following discussion. Here I would interpret the 2nd chapter of Quran to establish the role of its mystery letters ‘Alif-Lam-Mim’ as the symbolic summary of this chapter, and to discuss the hermetic allegories involved in the context of these letters as the predominant theme of its subject. The Letters ‘Alif-Lam-Mim’ (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) The signs of Aries, Taurus, and G